Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Blessing of Grace (Divine)

Today you reach into the blessing bowl and pull out a small metal token embossed with the word GRACE. Why have your drawn it today? What is your reaction? My reaction is, “Yes, yes, this is exactly what I need today.” Here is my blessing for you and for myself.

May God’s Grace bless you today.

May events unfold in your life as if an invisible hand were working behind the scenes, coordinating people and things, so that improbable good now appears in your life.

May your days be filled with happy coincidences and joyful synchronicities.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blessing for New Zealanders in the Earthquake

Over the years I have met a number of people from Christchurch. My thoughts go out to them and everyone else affected by the earthquake. As soon as I heard the news of the earthquake, I wrote this blessing. I have a prayer that I wrote later and posted to the blog.

May the ground under your feet be firm and steady.

May you feel God’s loving presence wrapped around you, comforting you, helping you to feel secure.

May you quickly heal of any physical or emotional injuries.

May you experience God’s power and wisdom as you rebuild your homes, businesses, and lives.

Prayer for New Zealand

I confess that I have been rather wrapped up in my own personal drama lately. When I turned on the television this morning to check the weather, I heard about the earthquake in New Zealand. My love and prayers go out to all those affected by the earthquake. (I am using a more common format for my prayer today.)

Dear God,
Please be with the people of New Zealand today and in the weeks and months to come. Be with the searchers and rescuers, helping them to find any missing people quickly, giving them strength to free those who have been trapped. Be with the injured, giving them courage, healing them of their physical and emotional wounds. Be with those who have lost loved ones, wrapping your love around them and comforting them. Be with all of those affected by the earthquake, giving them strength, wisdom, and hope as they rebuild their lives and their communities. Let them know that you are always with them as a stable presence in their lives. A-men.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Blessing of Contentment

Today you reach into the blessing bowl and pull out a small metal token embossed with the word CONTENTMENT. Why have you drawn it today? For me, the word invokes a visceral reaction. I find myself smiling or letting out a small sigh and relaxing my shoulders. For me, contentment is an experience that combines peace and happiness.

May the Spirit of Contentment be a regular companion as you travel on life’s journey.

May each day you find moments where you are at peace with who you are and what is happening in your life.

May you notice and appreciate the little blessings that are sprinkled throughout your day.

May you allow yourself a few moments to savoir the small successes.

Before you go to sleep at night, may you know that, for now, all is well.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Two Thaw

I wrote this poem while waiting for the bus today. I was tapping the iambs on my leg. I need to have a card that says “No, I’m not crazy. I am a poet in training.”

I wait no more for warmth
Sun’s rays begin to melt
The snow and muscles tense from cold.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Blessing of Resilience

Today you reach into the blessing bowl and pull out a small metal token embossed with the word RESILIENCE. Why have you drawn it today? What is your reaction? The old black dog has been nipping at me on and off lately. Maybe I have cabin fever from all the cold and snow or maybe my body just needs its walks in order to be able to think straight. I definitely could benefit from the blessing of resilience. Here is my blessing for you the reader and for myself, too.

If your career or friendships have gotten you down,
May you find Divine inspiration to help you rebound.

If emotions or health have taken downwards turns,
May you be raised by the Light that in your heart burns.

If failure has made you want to hide in your bed
May new possibilities begin to form in your head.

May the Spirit of resilience bless you today
And an upward momentum come your way.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Blessing of Intelligence

Today you reach into the blessing bowl and pull out a small metal token embossed with the word INTELLIGENCE. Why have you drawn it today? My first thought was, “Yes, I could really use this one.” Here is my take on this blessing today.

May you be smart in school
As well as on the street.

In your chosen field
May your skills be hard to beat.

Any problem that comes your way
May your knowledge easily defeat.

Last, may Intelligence bless your days
And Wisdom guide your ways.

Friday, February 4, 2011


What monster has swallowed me whole?
No light seems to come from my Soul.

What next?

Attempt my best?
Will I digest?

Should I wait for a new day’s mood,
Fill myself with sugary food,
Curl up in my soft chair and brood?

Or quietly accept my fate
And wait, and wait, and wait, just wait.

Or love myself in this dark hour
To reconnect with Divine power?