Friday, July 20, 2012

Prayer for Colorado Shooting Victims

Dear God, please be with the victims of the Colorado Theater Shooting and their loved ones. Heal their bodies and their emotions. Comfort those who have lost loved ones. Help us all to know that you are still a God of love and peace. A-men.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Prayer for Syria

Dear God, I feel so powerless as I read about the events in Syria, but I know that I am not alone. Today, I add my voice and my thoughts to the force of all the other people throughout the world praying for the people of Syria. We recognize you as the ultimate power in the world. Spread your protection over the Syrian people. Renew their lives and bring them your perfect peace. Guide the leaders of the world to make wise decisions to help them. We thank you for our answered prayers. A-men.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Extreme Summer Weather (Prayer)

Dear God, during this extreme weather, we recognize just how vulnerable we are. We are dependent upon you and the earth. Help us to stay at temperatures that are safe for our bodies. Supply us with the perfect amounts of water for our bodies and our crops. Open our hearts so that we help those who are especially at risk during this time: the elderly, children, pets, and the physically and emotionally fragile. Guide us to take whatever steps necessary so that we and future generations can continue to grow and thrive in your world. Thank you for all the blessing we enjoy. A-men

Monday, July 2, 2012

Heat Wave (Affirmative Prayer)

I felt I needed to write a prayer in response to the record hot weather we have been having.

Dear God, we recognize your perfection everywhere and in everything, including the weather. Your love envelops us like a cool, refreshing breeze. Your wisdom sends the right and perfect temperatures to us, our crops, our gardens, and our animal friends. Your life giving rains fall in the perfect amounts to help us to thrive. We thank you for all the blessings we have and all the blessings yet to come. A-men.