Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Prayer for Ebola Crisis

Dear God,
We admit to being scared and perhaps a bit angry about the recent spread of Ebola. Be with those directly affected by Ebola. Infuse the patients with your life and heal their bodies. Surround the health professionals and caregivers with your protection. Give them strength and wisdom as they care for patients.
We know that the answer to a prayer can come through many channels. Be with all those who will bring a stop to the spread of Ebola and who will help find a cure, including those working in hospitals and universities, pharmaceutical companies, and government agencies. Guide, inspire, and encourage them. Help everyone to work together in ways that will bring about a quick solution.
We know that you are also with those of us not directly involved with this challenge and who hope to never be affected. Gently guide us away from any urge we may have to get caught up in the drama. Help us to instead think rightly: sending our love and strength to the patients, healthcare professionals, and those helping to bring about a cure. Help us to remember all the once terrifying diseases that you have taught us to cure. Help us to be grateful for our lives and the lives of those we care about. Help us to remember with you all thing are possible.
As always thank you for all the blessings in our lives and all the blessings yet to come.