Sunday, January 10, 2010

Feeling Grounded

I enjoy exploring esoteric and higher realms. At the same time, I know that I have been incarnated for a purpose. I spend time each day turning my attention to the world around me. I enjoy how the earth supports my body. I may choose to explore how the bottoms of my feet feel as I walk. I may choose to explore how my back, buttocks, and legs feel as I sit in a chair or on the ground. I may spend a few moments each day paying attention to the sounds, to the fragrances and odors, and to the colors and shapes in my everyday environment, without making any effort to think about what I am taking in with my senses. I may choose to spend time on a regular basis interacting with nature, perhaps holding a pretty shell or a stone, feeling the bark of a tree or the veins of a leaf, watching the movements of the clouds or an animal, smelling flowers or the air after a storm. I am Spirit, but I am also connected to everyone and everything on the earth. I choose to celebrate that today.

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