Monday, October 31, 2011

Diagnosis of “Terminal Illness” (Affirmation)

I firmly believe that miracles can happen as the result of prayer/affirmation. At the same time, I don’t believe that we should use our prayers/affirmations to force someone to stay here, especially when they are in a great deal of pain. As a loved one, the situation can create a sort of paradox as we pray for a healing, but at the same time allow for a higher good to place, that may or may not involve the healing of the body. Yesterday, I was talking with my friend Nancy, whose brother-in-law was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Words are difficult at times like this, but here is a try. (Note, because this is such a difficult topic, I would be especially interested in any comments that readers feel might be helpful for me as a writer or for others who are dealing with the illness of a loved one.)

I let go of all belief in diagnosis and prognosis. Instead I see ______ [my loved one] as a child of God, surrounded by God’s presence. [You may want to visualize white light or a group of angels surrounding your loved one. I like the image of placing the person in the heart of Jesus.] God’s love and healing fill every cell of ______’s [my loved one’s] body. God’s peace fills ______’s [my loved one’s] heart and mind. God’s wisdom is guiding the actions of ____’s doctors and healthcare providers. God’s joy knows no bounds, and I know that moments of joy are still possible in the life of my loved one. I know that just as God is always with ______ [my loved one], God is always with me. I know that God’s wisdom guides my words and action when I spend time with ______ [my loved one]. I recognize that God’s power is infinite. I also allow God’s highest good to be done, whether it is a healing into renewed health, unexpected time together, or a healing into the next phase of God’s eternity.

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