Sunday, May 2, 2010

Gulf Coast Oil Spill

I find myself so angry every time I read about the oil spill. Why the hell are we still dependent upon oil nearly 40 years after the 70’s oil crisis? Why have we allowed big oil companies to have such free reign? How naïve could the government have been to believe BP when they said that their installations were safe? Why did the US trust them when they gave reports on how bad the oil spill was? On and on and on my anger goes.

Dear God,
Instead of focusing on blame, help me to focus on what I can do in this crisis. Please guide BP, the US Government, and all the scientists, engineers, military personnel and others involved in helping to solve this problem. Please protect the waters and land of Mother Earth. Watch over the animals and plants that are so vulnerable. Watch over the fishermen and all others whose livelihoods are dependent upon the water. Lastly guide us all so that we can change our lives to be in greater harmony with the greater whole.

Here is a link to 10 Things You Can Do to Help the Gulf Coast Clean the Oil Spill.

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