Thursday, September 2, 2010

Grocery Grace Gratitude

My faith in Doppler radar shaken
I dryly ponder Divine Grace.

Out of key groceries
I had contemplated the radar images
Green blobs a hundred miles away
North, south, west
Zoom in, zoom out
Adjust opacity to a hundred percent
Futurecast activated
Satisfied, I left umbrellaless
For my three mile trip.

Halfway to the store
I realized I forgot
My neatly bulleted
Organized by aisle
Took advantage of sales
Grocery list.
A light mist cooled my face
I continued.

A stack of grocery ads by the door
Calmed me.
The Spirit of my list
Dancing in my memory
Cheered me.
My cart filled
Light enough to carry
Full enough to make the trip

I heard the head cashier yell
“It’s pouring.”
I’d never make a poker player
She looked at me concerned.
“Maybe you can wait it out”
I remembered I forgot butter.

Groceries unloaded
Coupons, discount card
A bagger appeared behind my elbow
Gently packing my purchases
Into the cloth bags.
The rain was soft
Stopping as I reached the doors.

I dodged large puddles
Fat drops fell
As I walked under a tree
But I arrived home dry
And grateful.

The Divine whispered
“Pray gently
And carry a fold out umbrella
Next time”

Some people believe that the number 11.11 is a sign that the angels are winking.

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