Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lost Objects

I have no idea where my magnetic poetry is. None! None whatsoever! My mother used to say, “Everything should have a home.” Well, of all my possessions, my magnetic poetry has had the most homes, like an Army brat, who has seen the world, except in this case it is practically every nook and cranny of the house. When I try to imagine where I have seen it last, I come up with over a dozen locations. I am sure I will come up with more by the end of the day.

The blessings of found objects to you
May you quickly find
The object you now hold in your mind.
May you soon hold it in your hand
And find its revelation grand.
Once you discover it, may you feel
Renewed gratitude in your heart.
And when you next need it
To its location be smart.

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