Sunday, October 31, 2010

Politics—Healing Affirmation

I told one of my Tai Chi mates yesterday that I was tired of being an angry person. The election (here in the United States) is evidently pushing some of my buttons. I am angry at all three parties, both for similar and different reasons. I think I know a little bit better how people felt during the civil war: brother against brother, friend against friend. We seem like the “Divided People of America.” This morning, I woke up with the following affirmation playing in my brain. This is decided New Thought, as I suppose are most affirmations.

No matter who is in office, my thoughts still help create my reality.
This is a law, no different from gravity or any other universal principle.
I choose to think thoughts of love and of cooperation.
I choose to think thoughts of high employment and prosperity.
I choose to think thoughts of health for all people.
I choose to see people as basically intelligent and compassionate.
I choose to see a country that is flexibility and adaptability to a rapidly changing world.
I can not see all the ways that the future will unfold, so I let go and let God create what is for the highest good.

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