Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Blessing of Certainty

Today you reach into the blessing bowl and pull out a small metal token embossed with the word CERTAINTY. Why have you chosen it today? I have had a strong reaction to the word this week. I feel like the most uncertain person on the planet. Then the thoughts started in my head: “There is no certainty!” “We live in uncertain times.” “Is certainty even a blessing? Haven’t people been certain about things that were later proved wrong? Isn’t certainty to blame for a lot of the misuse of power over the centuries?” Slowly I began to remember that there have been times when I was certain. I am now certain that we all could use at least a little certainty in our lives.

May you be blessed with moments of certainty
When you truly know and know that you know.

May you know in your heart that the world is full of possibilities
and is must bigger than the limitations you see around you.

May you release any uncertainty that has caused you to become stuck
That may have caused you to doubt yourself
And may you be certain of the next small step that you can take.

May you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God loves you
and is always with you.

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